Baltic Transocean Shipping & Crewing

Located in Riga BTSC recruits seafarers from the Baltic mainly for German ship owners and ship managers. BTSC understand itself as service provider for both parties – the seafarer and the ship owner. We are determined to keep up a fair and professional climate to ensure a smooth cooperation between the seafarers, BTSC and the ship owners. We aim for a longstanding partnership and are aware that only mutual trust creates the fundament for a reliable cooperation with our partners.

Stewardess/Deck Cadet vacancy Added: 2022-04-02 06:00:15

Stewardess/Deck Cadet for General Cargo

Baltic Transocean Shipping & Crewing

Starting: 28.04.2022

Stewardess/Deck Cadet vacancy Added: 2022-03-23 06:00:22

Stewardess/Deck Cadet for

Baltic Transocean Shipping & Crewing

Starting: 28.04.2022

Able Seaman vacancy Added: 2021-06-22 06:00:17

Able Seaman for General Cargo

Baltic Transocean Shipping & Crewing

Starting: 15.07.2021

OS vacancy Added: 2020-08-26 06:00:05

Ordinary Seaman for Multi-Purpose Vessel

Baltic Transocean Shipping & Crewing

Starting: 01.09.2020

Cadet (Deck) vacancy Added: 2020-05-14 06:02:16

CADET (DECK) for General Cargo

Baltic Transocean Shipping & Crewing

Starting: 01.06.2020

Cadet (Deck) vacancy Added: 2020-03-24 06:00:04

CADET (DECK) for General Cargo

Baltic Transocean Shipping & Crewing

Starting: 20.04.2020

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Novoselskogo.25 of/ 2 , Odessa, , Ukraine , 65029

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3rd floor Office 314, 2A B, Arnautskaya,Odessa, ,Odessa, ,Ukraine

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Janonio 20 ,Klaipeda, ,Lithuania

Columbia Shipmanagement Ukraine

3 Sabanskiy Lane, ffice 11 n ,Odessa, ,Ukraine ,65014